This site is not an official website for the track shown here and is neither approved or endorsed by the stadium. I am indebted to Richard English for the scans of badges on this page.

The greyhound stadium at the South Yorkshire town of Wombwell was situated at 1° 24' W 53° 31' N. Initially the track was at the Ings Road Stadium and opened in 1929. The Ings Road Stadium operated independently for a further 9 years after the last speedway racing finished at the same track in 1948. Greyhound racing finally ceased in 1957. Another track in the town was at Hough Lane and closed in 1972.

HG37.JPG (32680 bytes)HG38.JPG (31991 bytes)HG39.JPG (30950 bytes)

 I am grateful to Len Talaga for the rare image of the badge shown below. It was presented to his family 3 generations ago and still remains in their possession. Can anyone provide a history of the Challenge Cup run at Wombwell? Over what distance was it run; when did it take place and which dogs won the Cup?

HG40.JPG (32963 bytes)HG41.JPG (25276 bytes)HG42.JPG (32337 bytes)
This section gives a comprehensive picture of the badges produced by the track throughout the ages, but only provides the briefest of glimpses of its history. For those wishing to undertake further research we can recommend a visit to

http://astore.amazon.co.uk/wwwgreyhoundd-21 where further reading can be undertaken.

If you have rare Wombwell badges and artefacts for sale then email johnslusar@fsmail.net